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Privacy Policy

Privacy policy according to legislative decree 196/2003 and article 13 of the European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR)

MADREPERLA S.p.A., (VAT n. 02305950962), in person of the acting legal representative, based in Via Aquileia, 39/41 - 20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI), as a controllers, informs you that, in accordance with the legislative decree 196/2003 and of the European Regulation 979/2016 (cd. GDPR) which governs and regulates the protection of personal data and their free movement, your personal data will be treated in accordance with the abovementioned regulations, based on the principles of fairness, lawfulness, proportionality of interests and transparency as well as to the protection of your privacy and of your rights, for purposes, with the arrangements and for the terms as described below.

-1- Finality, modality and legal basis of the treatment of data
Your personal data will be used just for the finality closely related ,needed for the fullfillment of the bonds with our society, in particular:

The processing of personal data is made by means of the operations indicated in the Decree No. 196/2003 and in the article 4 n. 2) GDPR and precisely: collection, registration, organization, conservation, consultation, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, utilisation, interconnection, block, comunication, cancellation and destruction.

The processing of personal data it will be made with data medium by the owner, the supervisor and by the persons authorised with every precautionary measure, that guarantees safety and confidentiality. The data won’t be subject of profiling and neither of automated decisonmaking.

The data will be kept by the owner of the data and by his responsable of processing data designated by him. Anyhow, your personal data will be kept and used inside the borders of the European Economic Area.

The explicit acceptance of the present informative through papery signature, computer acceptance (opt-in) made it online, fulfillment of the contractual obligations and of the other conditions expected from the article 6 of the European Regulation 679/2016 it constitutes legal base for the treatment of the personal data.

-2- Nature of data collection and the consequence of a failure conferment
The consent to the conferment of your personal data is obligatory in order to execute to the existing contract namely of the required services and fulfill to the obligations arising therefrom, including the legal obligations. For failure conferral of the consent could involve the impossibility from our part to fulfil the contractual obligations, namely the required services.
The consent to the use of your data for marketing and advertising purposes (sending of e-mails and comunications with special offers), is optional.

-3- Timing and terms
The owner, the responsable and the authorized entities to the treatment will treat personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes above, and anyway for not more than 10 years from the termination of the relationship provided and made it necessary by the regulations in force.

-4- Comunication and diffusion of data
Your personal data for the purpose of executing of the contract and for the purposes mentioned above, may be communicated:
- to all natural and legal persons ( by way of example and not exhaustive studies of legal counsel, administrative, fiscal, auditing firm, couriers and freight forwarders, data processing center, it consultants, suppliers) in the case of the communication is necesarry for the purposes above indicated;
- to banks for the management of accontability and payments;
- to factory society or credit debts recovery
- to our collaborator and employees especially appointed and in the scope of their tasks;

The D.P.O., if mentioned from the owner on mandatory and voluntary base, as well as the name and the number of the people responsible may be subject to variation, so it is reccommended to consult our internet website where you can find all the updated information- to the page dedicated to the following link:, or by contacting the following contact details : +39 02 6124101,

-5- Right of the person concerned
By calling the number +39 02 6124101 or writing to will able to exercise in any moment your rights towards the owner of the treatment in accordance to European Regulation 679/2016, that for your convenience we have reproduced. The person interested has the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence and of the fact that is or not in progress the treatment of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registred, as well as their communication in a intelligible form.

The person interested has the right to obtain the indication:
- of the origin of the personal data (with particular regard in the case of they are not collected from the person interested, and in case of transferring data in another country, of the existence of adequate safeguards under the Article 46 of the Regulation);
- of the finality and modality of treatment;
- of the logic applied in the case of treatment made it with electronic instruments;
- of the identification details of the owner, of the responsable and of the representative;
- of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data can be communicated or that can be informed in quality of representative designited in the territory of the State, of responsable, or authorized entities;
- of the categories of personal data of which is carrying out the treatment;
- of the retention period of the data or of the criteria used to determinate this period;
- of the existence of the automated decision-making with particular regard to the profiling, and logic from them applied; of the right to obtain a copy of the personal data being processed;

The person interested has the right to obtain:
- the updating, the rectification that means when interested to the integration of the data;
- the cancellation, the transformation in anonymous form or the block of the data treated in violation of the law, including those whose preservation is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
- the attestation that the operations referred to the letters A and B have brought to the notice, even as regards their content, of those to whom the data were communicated or widespread, expect if the fulfilment it turns out to be impossible or involves the use of means that are disproportionate to the right protected;
- the portability of the data to other entities for which will have to do explicit request to the following contacts : +39 02 6124101,
- the cancellation of the data in our archives, according to the article 17 part 1 from a) to f) of the Regulation (cd right to be forgotten), by contacting +39 02 6124101,;
- to limit the data treatment according to the article 18 part 1, letter from a) to d) of the Regulation;

The person interested has the right to oppose, in all or in part to the treatment of the data:
- for legittimate reasons and connected to its particular situation, although the treatment is relevant to the purpose of collection;
- to the treatment of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising material or direct sale or for market researches or commercial communication;
- to the treatment of data according to the article 6, part 1 letter e) and f) including the profiling of the basis of these provisions;

If the treatment of data is based on the consent of the person concerned, he has the right to revoke this consent at any time by making explicit request to the contact +39 02 6124101, The person interested has the right to propose a complaint to the supervisory authorities. The exercise of the above mentioned rights can exercised with request addressed to the owner or to the manager transmitted by phone, by e-mail to the address above indicated or even by registered letter A/R.

Cookie Policy

In accordance with art. 13 of the GDPR, we inform you that this site uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure the proper functioning and improve the experience of use. This text provides detailed information on the use of such tools by the data controller, and how the user can manage the operation.

No personal user data is acquired from the site, in particular, do not use cookies to transmit personal information, nor for transmission or processing of personal information.

By browsing and (hereafter "Site"), you are accepting to use cookies on your machine in accordance with this Cookies Policy. If you do not agree to this use of cookies, you must set your browser appropriately or do not use the Site. If you decide to disable the cookies that we use, this could affect your experience on the Site.

What's a cookie?

Cookies are small text files containing information sent from the site to the device from which you connect to the Internet such as your computer or other devices such as smartphones and tablets.
During the browsing of a site, in addition to the cookies installed by the operator of the site you visited (cookie "first part"), you can also get on to your terminal cookie about different sites or of different web server (so-colled cookie of "third parties"); this is because the website visited can be present elements as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on different servers . In other words, these are cookies that are set by a website other than the one you are currently visiting.

Types of cookies
Technical cookie

Those cookies are used for the sole purpose of "carrying out the transmission of a communication on an electronic communications network, or insofar as this is strictly necessary to the provider of an information society service that has been explicitly requested by the contracting party or user to provide the said service.".
These cookies are essential in order to allow to navigate through the website and make full use of its features, such as access the various protected areas of the site. Without these cookies certain necessary services, such as filling out a form for sending a message, manage the shopping cart or allow online purchases, can not be enjoyed. Or allow the site to remember the choices made by the user (such as name, language or region of origin), or can also be used to provide specific services required, such as watching a video or comment on an article on a blog, etc...
By using our site, you agree that these cookies may be installed on your device.

Analytic cookie

These cookies are similar to technical cookies when used directly by the website manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they browse the website, to draw up general statistics about use of website. By using our site, you agree that these cookies may be installed on your device.

Cookie profiling

They are designed to create profiles user and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences shown by the same while surfing the net. Given the considerable invasiveness that such devices may be part of the private sphere of the users, European and Italian legislation requires the user to be properly informed on the use of the same and express their explicit consent. On this website we do not use this type of cookie.

Third Party Cookies

Visiting a website may receive cookies from the site is visited ("owners"), both from websites maintained by other organizations ("third parties"). An example is the presence of "social plugin" for Facebook, Twitter, Google+: they are parts of the page visited directly generated by these sites and integrated into the host page of the site. The most common use of social plugin is aimed at sharing content on social networks.
The presence of these plugins involves the transmission of cookie to and from all sites operated by third parties. The management of the information collected by "third parties" shall be governed by the relevant information which please refer. By using our site, you agree that these cookies may be installed on your device.

Duration of cookies

Cookies have terms dictated by the expiration date (or from a specific action such as closing the browser) set at installation.
Cookies can be:
- temporary or session (session cookie) are used to store temporary information, allow you to connect the actions performed during a specific session and are removed from your computer when you close the browser;
- Permanent (persistent cookie): they are used to store information, such as name and password, so as to avoid the user having to type them again each time you visit a particular site. These are stored on your computer after you close the browser.

What cookies we're using?

This website DO NOT use any cookies profiling.
We use technical cookies and third-party cookies.

Technical cookies

The use of such cookie and the treatment of your data related to it are necessary to allow us to make available the content published on our website in an effective and user-friendly and does not meet any other objective. The installation of such cookies and the performance of treatments to them, does not require, under the applicable law, your consent.

Third party cookies

Google uses preferences cookie , allowing Google to store information used to change the behavior or appearance of the sites themselves, as your preferred language or region you're in publish ads based on previous visits conducted by user.

Google Maps

Google Maps is a web service provided by Google Inc. ( "Google" ). Google uses cookies to provide information for maps.

Google Fonts

To view some fonts, this site uses Google Fonts by Google Inc.. Google Inc. may use the data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. Disabling cookies for Google Fonts the fonts may not be visible.
For more information, please refer to the privacy policy about Google

For more information, please refer to the link below:
For more information on the types of cookies used by Google:
For information on how to disable the use of cookie by Google or view preferences page about Google ads, go to this URL:


Cookies are used to manage the video embedded in the site; Youtube also uses cookies when the user interacts with the services offered to partners.
For further information visit the relevant page

How consent is given?

Simply continue browsing the site, entering the Reserved Area or closing the banner of the information that appears on the pages short, it is the acceptance to the information.
You can also refer to the website to find out and give consent to behavioral advertising.

How to manage cookies in the browser?

Most browsers allow you to control and disable cookies through the settings.
Warning: Disabling all or part of the technical cookie can compromise the use of some features of the website. Disabling "third parties" cookies shall not affect the navigability.
To change the settings, just follow the procedure referred to by your browser that you can find under 'Options' or 'Preferences'. Furthermore the best browsers allow you to define different settings for cookies "owners" and "third parties" cookies.

Internet Explorer