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Who are we
Madreperla S.p.A – Italian leader in the production of cast acrylic sheets
The history of Madreperla S.p.A has its roots in the early 1950’s, and it’s a history of a company’s development and growth based on a family tradition, that it’s now in its third generation. Madreperla started the plant with the production of acrylic sheets for the manufacturing of acrylic buttons, that following the fashion trends of those years had a mother of pearl look –hence the name Madreperla(that means mother of pearl in Italian). The founder, Orazio Annunziata quickly understood the growing relevance of acrylic in multiple sectors, mainly in visual communication that was becoming a growing sector during the industrial boom. The company transitioned from the production of buttons to the one of Cast Acrylic Sheets.

What we do
Madreperla S.p.A has been producing cast acrylic sheets for 70 years. Over time we enlarged and diversified our range of products, adding colours and different surface textures in order to meet the demand of an increasingly sophisticated market. We achieved these results, working together with our customers, you, in order to find new solutions together. Through the years Madreperla has strived for innovation, enhancing its quality and service, making it Italy’s leading acrylic manufacturer and the only company producing 100% recycled cast acrylic sheets, complying with ISO 7823.1, with the brand name Green Cast®.

What do we offer

Current and future market needs inspire our work in offering:

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